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Life ad death for the ordiary Indian citizen have become mere statistics

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BHANUSINGHA GHOSH out of a world population of 5,384 million in 1991, about 43 per

Norman MacLeod of the Natural History Museum in London and

With infectious diseases well under control in the developed world, it is the non infectious diseases that now threaten us

THIS book has come at a time when humankind the world over is grappling with the challenge of providing a cleaner environment. However, the continuing high levels of pollution, especially in the

Building up of ice sheets in the far north might be due to strong currents in the South Atlantic

around 5,000 members of the U'Wa tribe have threatened to commit suicide if an oil company from the us does not abandon its plans to drill for oil on their ancestral land. The tribe has already

With rapid rise in the incidence of breast cancer, a new approach for early detection is welcome

Of late, jazzy terms like 'natural product' (for a traditional herbal drink), 'bio-yoghurts', 'super eco' (for unleaded gasolene) and 'natural supermarkets' have invaded the 'mercosur' trading

Highly accurate measurements about a star s features can be made by using its gravity
