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Malaria varies with the type of parasite or vector involved, the level of resistance and eco-epiderniological considerations: TRibAL MALARIA Generally prevalant in the tribal areas of deep

SPUTTERlNG growth has been a characteristic feature of the world economy in recent times. Yet there are encouraging indicators of a major upswing that can sustain it over a relatively long

Life-cycle of P falciparum

The 'innocent-looking' telephone directory has been the target of the ire of US environmentalists. Recently, they had much to cheer about when the city council of Santa Monica, California,

In the 1996 ninth general elections in India, water as an issue figured prominently in at least nine states. Among them all, Nalgonda in the Telengana region in Andhra Pradesh takes the cake.

Scientists have recently discovered that certain disorders do not seem to go well with malaria. One such finding shows that sickle cell anaemia patients are resistant to cerebral malaria.

The contagious TB bacillus, present in a state of dormancy in many of us, is raising its ugly head again, upsetting all the currently practised modes of stopping it

Wildlife management and protection in India warrants a separate ministry, says a committee recommendation

Mycobacteria make daunting subjects for study. In contrast to the more commonly used organism for molecular biological research, the E Coli, which produces a visible colony in about eight hours,

In the treatment of TB, the intensive periods under standard regimen (SR) and shorter course chemotherapy (SCC) remain constant at two months, after which the patient turns sputum negative. The
