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A recently proposed environmental evaluation smacks of evasive tactics

Glaucoma is an eye disease resulting in the loss of eyesight due to fluid accumulation inside the eyeball which in turn builds-up pressure over the optic nerve, eventually leading to blindness.

The following south Indian tale gives rise to some pertinent questions: how many Indian roots has our scientific establishment protected in its mad race towards Westernisation? We should not indiscriminately abhor all that is Western, but should we not re

A crow making tools? Sounds in- credible, because the cognitive ability to design, make, standardise and use tools is normally thought to be an activity of the intelligent " human race. But

High blood pressure when you are over the hill causes 'silent' strokes, which pile up and damage cognitive faculties in your old age

The details of tracking down of the canine distemper disease that broke out among the lion population in, the Serengeti National Park, (Down To Earth, Vol 4, No 16) were recently made

Apart from its cosmetic and medicinal properties, henna (Lawsonia inermis the natural dye -is ideal as a commercial crop for drylands cultivation, say researchers at the Central Research Institute

With the creation of a new variety of rice plant which is resistant to bacterial leaf blight, genetic engineering has once again made one of its most effective imprints in agriculture. The transformed species could put an end to the devastation

• India's first environmental management system certification BS 7750, equivalent to ISO 14001, the interna- tional environmental standard, was receutly awarded to the Orissa-based Nicco

It was the bane of the rubber tree, as the fungus Phytophthora literally ate into its every part. With the discovery of antifungal wood extracts, however, the fungus can be stopped dead in its tracks. The extract also meets today's criterion of eco
