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COMPUTERESE IN CHINESE: When in China, turn Chinese. The US- based Microsoft Corp seems to have no qualms about following this strategy. It has just set Chineselanguage standards for its

Anti carcinogenic properties of breast milk come to light

A September 1995 World He Organization (WHO) consultant on tobacco-related mortality a cluded that 200 million won smoke worldwide, ofwhom 100 m lion are in developed countries,

Three independent US resm teams trying to uncover the strau adopted by the malaria parasite sneak past the immune defenses the host, have converged on I same group of genes.

The Polclaw windpump set is a boon to developing countries

Designed to preserve essential and vaccines in remote villalps I ing electrical power, a solar rdri ator has been developed by research and development wim Bharat Heavy

Traditional Indian potters fig" 14 extinction today due to their ig rance of improved technology ceramics and poor financial cod tion. However, now any good op, lity clay available

FOR vehicle owners using diesel for fuel, clogged air filters Is nothing new. In most cases, they needed to be replaced. However, they can now look forward to a now device which will not only

CYCLONE-PRONE areas are likely to reap the benefits of a wind tunnel devised By the structural Engineering Research Centre(SERC), a unit of the Council of Industrial Research (CSIR) based in

With contputerisation invading nearly all segments, can the courts be far behind? Obviously not. The Bombay High Court trying its hand at modernisation has got itself an
