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Women water users are determined to have their say in water management policymaking

Climax is reached when succession proceeds without disturbance and the vegetation type is in complete equilibrium with the environment. As climate appears to be the most important factor in

The World Health Organisation (who) has reported a 3 per cent rise in the incidence of diabetes the world over. The total number of diabetic patients in India stands at 20 per cent, 2nd highest in

A disorder that causes hair to appear an over the body has been traced to a mutant gene

The two volumes are the result of the combined effort of CUSO***, a Canadian NGO, and environmentalists from Asia. The contributors share their experiences on a wide range of issues ranging from

A new finding suggests that bees may have been around about 100 million years before flowering plants appeared

National budget constraints have forced leading donor nations like the us to cut assistance to developing countries down to almost 20 per cent in 1993-94. But Japan, the world's largest donor, has

Africa's researchers and scientists discuss their traditional knowledge and developmental skills for better sustainability

The tiny fruit fly (Drosophila bifurca) holds the record for the longest sperm. Researcher Scott Pitnick of Bowling Green state university, Ohio, found that the fly produces sperm that are 60mm

A Kenyan bid to enter the global flower market withers some of the North's near monopoly profiteering
