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The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation nations hold the unenviable distinction of having some of the highest percentages of low birth- weight babies (less than 2.5 kg) in the world.

In a belated step to conserve the nation's depleted forest resources, the Kampuchean government has announced a complete ban on the exports of logs and sawn timber. As if to set the seal on its

The world's largest exporter of flue-cured tobacco last year, is confident of getting higher prices on the international market this season despite an aggressive worldwide anti-smoking lobby. The

Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela have joined forces to keep marauding multinationals off their biological resources. These signatories to the Andean Pact decided upon drastic steps to protect

Trees and reflective coatings on houses could reduce air conditioning costs and pollution

Nepal's controversial Arun III dam becomes the first World Bank bankrolled project taken up for re scrutiny by the Bank's new Inspection Panel an ombudsman body with teeth

The issue of allowing tribals to use forest produce is under debate in the corridors of power

The neutrino, an elementary particle, may not be massless, as assumed

On January 16, 1994, 2 human rights activists, Gopal Siwakoti and Rajesh Gautam filed a public interest petition in the Supreme Court under Article 16 of the Constitution which recognises the right

A lonely wind moans eerily through empty houses and deserted streets, rattling a broken window here, a halfhinged door there: 350 people once lived here. Today, 35 km from Mandvi, Pyaaka is a ghost
