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Medical researchers seem to have worried unduly that their grants from funding agencies would be affected because a fire at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on April 27 destroyed

WRITTEN jointly by a sociologist and an anthropologist, the book raises hopes of providing an understanding of uneven development within cultural and historical paradigms. Unfortunately, the reader

Pressure from environmentalists has induced the World bank to greatly modify its forestry strategy at least twice since 1950.

Environmentalists fear India's liberalisation policies will lead to the growth of the small scale dyestuff industry, which is a heavy polluter.

Under pressure from transnationals, the Bangladesh government is likely to ease restrictions on producing and importing medicines.

The Indian government and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) are trapped in a cleft stick because of five million defective copper-T contraceptives given by UNFPA to

Now that they have discovered how chloroquine controls the malaria parasite, scientists hope to use this knowledge to develop more efficient anti malarial drugs.

A visit to a Dhaka clinic provides a good idea of the extent to which drugs can help.

A premature death seems in store for the "cradle baby scheme" launched with much fanfare by Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalitha last October, following reports of female infanticide in Salem.

If pharmaceutical companies concentrate on manufacturing and selling essential drugs, business needs and health requirements can be met.
