scientists have designed a method that may make production of aroma in fruits easier, and also cheaper. Alternatively, the product can also be used to get rid of impurities in insulin made in a

A study carried out by a team of researchers at the School of Life Sciences, Puducherry University, in 2002 found that rats when administered graded doses of 10-100 micrograms of NPEO per kg showed significant decreases in sperm counts over three weeks. The study demonstrated that the graded dosage depleted antioxidant defence systems in sperms as well as loss of weight in testes and epididymides.

in a new application for disease-fighting vitamin c, scientists have used it to assemble fibre bundles of gold, silver and platinum nanoparticles. Such bundles are used in new-age medicine to

endosulfan, the deadly pesticide, now has a destroyer. Scientists at iit Madras have found a bacterial mixture that can break it down to environment friendly inorganic chemicals. Ligy Philip

it may sound incredible, but the mobile phone network may soon be used to measure rainfall. The strength of signals in a cellular network varies with humidity, claims a study by scientists from

Although pottery is an age old craft and a rural tradition in India, it continues without any modern technical interventions in tiny segments with outdated and inefficient technologies. This sector has not succeeded in responding to the newer demands of the market as well. Innovative technological inputs are required in improving the throwing wheel involving the technology of modern clay pottery with reduced energy and time consumption and increased speed of operations.

Rubble from the landslide that occurred 10 months ago on the Varunavat mountain in Uttarkashi threatens to swamp the town during this monsoon.

Debris on the slope of the crumbling Varunavat mountain. Uttarkashi town is seen at the foothills.

The iit s have rarely attracted poor students. So why should middle class students be subsidised? I pay my taxes to support the poor not the rich

An Indian Institute of TechnoN Delhi, researcher has devised a, to produce potable water fi impure water using solar ent efficiently. The device, a solar a produces 20 per cent

India's attempts at developing supercomputers have not only paid off, they have sparked intense competition.
