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The Russian government is poised to increase payments made to the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan considerably , in an effort to end a dispute that risks jeopardising its lucrative

Kafus Industries, a company that manufactures a bio-composite alternative to fibreglass and owns factories that produce fibreboard from 100% post-consumer wood, is planning a charitable arm. Kafus

The Ford Motor Company announced yesterday Conservation and Environmental Grants valued at 1 million yuan (US$120,000) to the Chinese mainland to encourage more public involvement in environmental

Ford Motor Co., betting it can please both environmentalists and consumers, will redesign its profitable and popular gas-guzzling sport utility vehicle, to make it more fuel efficient. U.S.'s No. 2

When Coca-Cola announced in late June that it was phasing out its use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in its cold-drink equipment, it pleased one lobby and offended another. Greenpeace, the campaigning

Intellectual property arbitrators ordered "cybersquatters" to hand over internet domain names confusingly similar to those owned by some of the world's largest computer and telecommunications

A group of people, with carcasses of cattle, today staged a demonstration before the residence of the deputy commissioner demanding action against a factory alleging that the unit was discharging

Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. , Renault SA and PSA Peugeot-Citrogen have reached a basic agreement to jointly develop fuel-cell cars, a report said on Thursday. The three auto-makers will sign an official

People for the Ethical Treatment of animals (PETA) has reached an agreement with 37 European and Northe American animal protection organisations for a 60 day moratorium on any efforts to pressure

A large auto parts maker and its environmental consultant were responsible for releasing toxic chemicals into an Indiana river late last year, killing a million fish, federal and state lawsuits
