RESEARCH The transition of a normal worker to a potential queen and then to a functional queen is fascinating. Ropalidia marginata, a paper wasp from India, is a species that has now been studied for about three decades at the IISc by Raghavendra Gadagkar and his research group, writes Anindita Bhadra

A study on the biodiversity and relative abundance of spiders associated with the horticultural ecosystem including fruit and vegetable crops in Kashmir, were conducted during 2005-2007. A total of 5774 individuals belonging to 40 species, 23 genera under 11 families were recorded first-time from Kashmir.

The Lives of Ants by Laurent Keller and Elisabeth Gordon,Oxford University Press, USA, $28 Since time immemorial, ants have captivated human beings. With numerous black-and-white images and eight pages of colour plates, the book depicts a world full of surprises, one which, even after decades of observation, is still replete with unsolved mysteries. Unfreedom and Waged Work:

Aggression shapes the queen in a primitive wasp society Social insects like ants, bees and wasps live in colonies headed by one or a few queens who lay eggs, and chiefly comprise sterile workers who take care of the nest and rear the queen

Insects self-medicate if you see a sick dog eat grass, you will know what self-medication in animals is all about. Many animals tend to increase their intake of certain food items when they are unwell. African chimpanzees, when infected by parasites, have been observed to drink the bitter sap of the young leaves of the herb, Vernonia amygdalina, and get better in a few hours. Such

Book>> A Guinea Pig

A New number of Boro paddy fields were affected by brown grasshopper at Chinidanga Beel at Baraigram upazila in Natore. A new method is being applied to kill the insects. Md. Mamunur Rashid, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) and S.M. Quamruzzaman told to kill the insects, about one hand distance in the line from paddy field the insecticide is sprayed in the root of the paddy.

Adele Conover

Anna Dornhaus, a University of Arizona researcher, painted ants in different colours to study them
ANNA DORNHAUS is peering into a cardboard nest box only an inch on a side, at a

They were known to limit destruction to the local areas they infested. However, aided by increasing temperatures, insect pests are finding favourable living conditions in never before places and thus widening their attacking strategy.

An ecological study was carried out to determine the quantitative and qualitative community structure and population of spiders in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.) crop fields.
