As chairperson of the Karnataka state pollution control board KSPCB , 39 year old K V Bengeri has to contend with more than environmental problems: he has faced allegations of corruption and inefficient functioning in the b

In another case of delinquency, the Karnataka High Court has censured the Karnataka pollution control board (PCB) for its inaction in "matters relating to serious instances of water pollution". The

Karnataka has won the latest round of the legal battle over the construction of Almatti dam across the river Krishna. The Supreme Court recently rejected a petition seeking a stay on the construction

Karnataka High Court s Justice M F Saldanha has emerged as one of judiciary s standard bearers in the ongoing battle to save the environment. His judgement on tree felling in Mumbai in 1994, when he was with the Maharashtra High Court stipulated the n

The Alamatti dispute between Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh joins the ranks of the nation s major wrangles over river waters

The Alamatti controversy is only one among the many continuing river disputes, which more than anything else, underscore the failure of tribunals as dispute resolving mechanisms. Here is a list of

green activists are up in arms against the ongoing work on the Kaiga atomic power plant in Karnataka. They have stalled work on the project's transmission line which cuts through the Western Ghats,

tribals residing in the Nagarhole National Park in Mysore, Karnataka, are up in arms against the proposed eco-development project which is being funded by the World Bank (wb). They contend

in order to overcome the problem of siltation and decreasing water storage capacity, the Central Water Commis

Bangalore-based scientist C N Sastri has developed a non-toxic eco- friendly insecticide called bugsac. The insecticide -which is prepared from purely herbal ingredients - acts at both the
