SOME PEOPLE live in years, others in deeds. At 91, Kota Shivarama Karanth has done both. Journalist, litterateur, dramatist, playwright, photographer, politician, environmentalist, householder, tramp he is all these and more. The winner of the prestigi

Thamoo Poovaiah, 42, is Kodagu Ekikarna Ranga's district coordinator. He also runs a business in Madikeri, selling and repairing electronic goods. He spoke to Down To Earth about KER and its activities:

In Karnataka's Kodagu district, a group of people battling timber traders trying to exploit their region's virgin forests has earned the wrath of politicians and bureaucrats

Women elected to panchayats in Karnataka and Rajasthan function in two ways: some live up to expectations and other succumb to the pressures

Judicial history was made in India when a Bangalore sessions judge accepted DNA fingerprinting as evidence to convict the accused in a murder case. This is the first time the results of this

Opposition to multinationals in the agriculture sector in Karnataka may soon spread throughout India

The Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha has charged these 23 foreign collaborations with exploiting the country"s genetic wealth in the agriculture sector:

Promotion of water guzzling crops like rice is leading to maximum utilisation of river waters in India. The Cauvery dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu is probably the first of such problems that lie ahead

For geological reasons, Tamil Nadu has always had the lion's share of the Cauvery waters. But when Karnataka built the Krishnarajasagara dam, it secured the advantage

For 50 years the Mettur dam was completed. Tamil Nadu farmers used more than 75 per cent of the Cauvery waters, which was largely responsible for the tremendous escalation in rice cultivation in the
