More than a quarter of India's land is turning to desert and the rate of degradation of agricultural areas is increasing, according to new analysis of satellite images.

As floods ravage eastern and northern India, agriculture in 115 districts across 15 states is "highly vulnerable" to climate change, according to a study published in the Indian Academy of Science

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) on July 13, 2016 approved a USD 14 million senior loan through its private sector window to Form Ghana Ltd for restoration of deg

While agriculture remains the most significant driver of global deforestation, there is an urgent need to promote more positive interactions between agriculture and forestry to build sustainable agricultural systems and improve food security says this flagship report of the FAO released at 23d Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO).

More than a quarter of the total geographic area (TGA)-96.4 million hectares (mha) or 29.32%-in India is undergoing degradation as per this Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas, released in June by ISRO Space Applications Centre (SAC).

More than a quarter of the total geographic area (TGA)-96.4 million hectares (mha) or 29.32%-in India is undergoing degradation as per decadal information compiled for the the period 2011-13, posin

Better matching of land use with its sustainable potential is a “no-regrets” strategy for sustainably increasing agricultural production on existing land, targeting restoration efforts to where they are likely to be most successful, and guiding biodiversity conservation initiatives.

The whole life depends on soil, which is an important habitat for thousand millions of organisms. Soil biodiversity is extremely diverse in shapes, colours, sizes and functions.

The Naga Foundation aims to implement durable re-greening interventions to increase local soil sustainability and regional water availability. When this is done on a large enough scale such landscape changes may also lead to positive regional climate impacts. Naga is developing a plan to re-green 15 large areas in Eastern Africa, creating a so-called hydrological corridor. Four potential hydrological corridors have been identified in Kenya and Tanzania, all four of them around Mount Kilimanjaro.

The GEO 6 regional assessment recognizes Africa’s rich natural capital - the diversity of soil, geology, biodiversity, water,landscapes and habitats- which if wisely managed, hold the promise to lead the region to a future where ecosystem integrity,as well as human health and well-being are continuously enhanced.
