Lead poisoning in children is usually traced to peeling paint in old homes or old lead pipes. But the family car, and the children

Chinese provinces have begun shutting lead smelters for environmental checks, after hundreds of children tested for high levels of lead in two separate cases this month.

At least three lead smelters in Henan province and two in Shaanxi province, with a combined capacity of about 6 percent of China's annual production, were ordered to temporarily halt operations in recent days, officials said.

Aug. 23: Life would indeed be dull if there were no colours. But scientists argue that certain colours make one dull by acting on the nervous system.

Lead pollution from a newly opened and unlicensed manganese smelter has poisoned more than 1,300 children in southeastern China

Beijing, Aug. 20: More than 1,300 children have been sickened by lead poisoning in central China, the second such case involving a large number of children this month, state media said on Thursday.

New Delhi: It got banned in some developed countries more than a century ago but the Centre for Science and Environment has found unacceptable levels of deadly lead in the enamel paints it tested. Seventy two per cent samples of enamel paints tested by the NGO

Beijing: Hundreds of villagers broke into a smelting plant in north China blamed for the lead poisoning of more than 600 children, smashing trucks in protest, state media reported on Monday.

Ananth Krishnan
BEIJING: Hundreds of villagers in China

This article describes the personal experience and perspective of the authors, who had primary responsibility for drafting the initial health-based regulation limiting lead content of gasoline
during the early 1970s while employed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This latest CSE study reveals that most of the popular brands of paints contain high quantities of lead, a toxin especially dangerous for children. Says that weak regulatory control is the real culprit as there is no mandatory standard for lead levels in paints in the country.

Source: http://www.cseindia.org/lead_paints.pdf

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