Global pressure is building to end the importation of lion trophies from "canned" hunts in Africa. But those hunts are getting more popular.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on wildlife census, 30/04/2015.

Niranjan Savani (39), a dentist in Pennsylvania, has taken urgent leave from work to come to India for two weeks.

Poachers are using photographs taken by safari tourists to hunt down and kill incredibly rare lions, tigers and elephants by downloading digital data attached to the images revealing the exact loca

The much awaited Asiatic Lion census, covering one of the biggest ever area in its census will cover over 1500 villages around the sanctuary.

AHMEDABAD: Gujarat high court on Friday sought details from forest officials about incidents of fire, if any, caused by the mining mafia on the banks of Shetrunji river near Gir sanctuary for minin

A census of Asiatic lions will be carried out in May to find out the exact number of the big cats in Gujarat, where their population stood just over 400 five years ago, the Assembly was informed to

Gujarat has finally presented a strong case to protect its pride — the Asiatic lion.

Lion body parts used as trophies from hunting will no longer be allowed to be imported or exported, environment minister Greg Hunt says

DAKAR – A lion has been spotted in Gabon for the first time in nearly 20 years, raising hopes the animals long feared extinct in the country could be returning, conservationists said on Thursday.
