The fact that methane is crucially responsible in heating up the earth's atmosphere is well established, but the lesser known truth is that the mastication of food by domesticated, ruminants is the second largest source of methane

The wise use of the wonderous sewan grass is fast being hedged out by water intensive agriculture, opening up a thorny issue

In 1986, for the 8th consecutive, year, the district of Jaisall faced another year of severe famine and drought. T year's drought was unprecedented, affecting 26 out of 27 disti of Rajasthan.

The Asia-Pacific region is losing its rich livestock resources, thanks to the indiscriminate use of Western technology and rapid population growth, says the Food and Agriculture

Scientists claim to have identified the constituent of human blood that destroys a parasite which plays havoc with livestock

In India, out of a land area of 330 million ha, only cultivated. The remaining areas of forests, woodlands, grasslands, marshes, rivers, lakes and shorelines are common property resources (CPRs).

Duck rearing in India has come a long way. From a small time activity, it has evolved to one in which entire flocks are transported across states to freshly harvested paddy fields. This is symbiosis at its most benevolent. The ducks pay the fields bac

THIS story is one of horrifying domestic slaughter. The preamble to it is that the World Conservation Strategy (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1980),

I AM not a botanist and being a Bengali with a particular inclination for non-vegetarian food, I almost shared the sentiment, "Grasses are meant for cows." But reading Grass Evolution and

THE distasteful task of grading beef by inspecting carcasses can now be bypassed. Two researchers at Iowa State University in the US have come up with a far more accurate technique to rate
