In a joint statement, President Barack Obama and his Brazilian counterpart Dilma Rousseff said the Paris outcome should send a strong signal to the international community that governments, busines

There is a widening gap in the Asia and Pacific region between the amount of climate finance directed towards adaptation and mitigation of climate change, and the amount of

For more than two decades, crafting global actions that all nations believe to be equitable has been a central challenge for international climate policy. A new approach is required to resolve this challenge.

Renewable energy is at the forefront of the changes sweeping Africa, and a “triple win” is within the region’s grasp to increase agricultural productivity, improve resilience to climate change, and contribute to long-term reductions in dangerous carbon emissions. This is the message of a new report by former U.N.

Leaders of the world's major industrial democracies resolved on Monday to wean their energy-hungry economies off carbon fuels, marking a major step in the battle against global warming that raises

Group of Seven leaders agreed on Monday to wean their economies off carbon fuels and supported a global goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but they stopped short of agreeing their own imme

This report offers a new approach to facilitate the implementation and improve the effectiveness of climate action, with the first broad diagnosis of misalignments between overall policy and regulatory frameworks and climate goals.

India’s climate debate encompasses issues other than just energy choices and energy efficiency. It is an integrated puzzle around lifestyle choices, the aspirations of 1.2 billion

This paper reviews the approaches taken by multilateral climate funds in the period 2010-2014 to support low-emission and climate resilient development in developing country cities.

The U.N.'s Paris climate conference, designed to reach a plan for curbing global warming, may instead become the graveyard for its defining goal: to stop temperatures rising more than 2 degrees Cel
