In the absence of a government policy on the use liquefied petroleum gas for

Vialle, a company based in the Netherlands, manufactures customised cars using alternative fuels like compressed natural gas CNG and liquefied petroleum gas LPG . Carmakers like Maruti, Volvo and Fiat are closely associated with the company.

...Andhra Pradesh may also ban 15 year old vehicles

A method has been developed that would help convert carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The process developed by the Osaka National Research Institute, Japan,

If the citizens of Mexico City -known to be one of the most polluted cities in the world -want to breathe cleaner air, they must first take care of their kitchens. For, Sherwood Rowland, an

The Government of India announced its decision in 1973 to set up a 6 million tonne per year Petroleum Oil Refinery at Mathura under the Indian Oil Corporation of India.

LIQUID petroleum gas (LPG) connection holders in India, by virtue of this privilege, are entiled to 4 litres of kerosene from the public distribution system. Those not so fortunate are supposed to

A recent, innocuous check-and-tally exercise by the Delhi administration unearthed a giant racket diverting to the transport sector heavily-subsidised kerosene meant for domestic consumption

ONCE the parity in the prices of kerosene and high speed diesel oil (HSDO) ceased in 1978-79 and HSDO prices soared to nearly 3 times that of kerosene in 1992-93, there has been a sharp increase in

15 Sep 2012

Not raising diesel prices would harm economy much more'
