Three weeks after local fishermen discovered oysters at the Mahim Bay, scientists have found that the mollusks are of a different variety

Coral Flourishing At Bikini Atoll Atomic Test Site AUSTRALIA: April 16, 2008 CANBERRA - Coral is again flourishing in the crater left by the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated by the United States, 54 years after the blast on Bikini Atoll, marine scientists said on Tuesday.

A rash of projects probing everything from life under the Arctic ice to the global movements of marine mammals is providing the information that conservationists badly need. It is now clear that hotspots do exist even out in the open ocean. However, these are not quite like their counterparts on land. For a start, they do not necessarily stay in the same place. Places with the highest biodiversity may not be the best habitats for the species that live there. Meanwhile, some seemingly inhospitable areas turn out to be thronging with life.

A network of marine conservation zones will be put in place around England's coast by 2012 under Government plans. The Marine Conservation Society marched on the House of Commons on Thursday (Copyright Tim Fanshawe/MCS) The underwater nature reserves are one of the key proposals in the draft Marine Bill, published on Thursday. A new UK-wide planning system would also be introduced and licensing of developments such as offshore wind farms would be simplified.

An oil spill was simulated in microcosms in the laboratory using phytoplankton assemblage collected from Versova, Mumbai. Bombay High Crude oil, water-soluble fraction and water-dispersed fraction were added to respective tanks. Their effect was investigated on various parameters like primary productivity, growth and biomass of the phytoplankton at different time intervals.


Extra nitrogen in the environment makes its way into oceans as run-off from fields through water channels. This causes havoc in the aquatic ecosystem. Earlier, the extra nitrogen helped fish because

The relationship between natural variations in coral species diversity, reef development and ecosystem function on coral reefs is poorly understood. Recent coral diversity varies 10-fold among geographic regions, but rates of poor growth are broadly similar, suggesting that diversity is unimportant for reef development.

An overview is provided of the observed and potential future responses of zooplankton communities to global warming. The researcher begins by describing the importance of zooplankton in ocean ecosystems and the attributes that make them sensitive beacons of climate change. Global warming may have even greater repercussions for marine ecosystems than for terrestrial ecosystems, because temperature influences water column stability, nutrient enrichment, and the degree of new production, and thus the abundance, size composition, diversity, and trophic efficiency of zooplankton.

There is no shortage of scientific studies documenting the degradation of the world's oceans, the decline of marine ecosystems and the collapse of important fish species.
