Himachal s valleys are being robbed off their natural gift medicinal herbs

In the Himalayas, subsistence largely depends upon resources derived from natural forests due to the free and easy access to these and simplicity in their use. Sikkim has 43% of its total geographical area under forest cover, of which 34% is under dense forests. The burgeoning human population and family fragmentation are exerting a tremendous pressure on the natural resources to meet the requirements of food, fuel, fodder, timber and other human needs. In recent years, tourism has increased manifolds in Sikkim, which has been one of the major factors behind destruction of forests.

The fresh leaves of betel vine are popularly known as Paan in India, which are consumed by about 15-20 million people in the country. It is cultivated following the traditional methods in India on about 55,000 ha with an annual production worth about Rs 9000 million.

In 2006-2007, a bamboo species will flower over vast swathes of Mizoram, Tripura and Assam. When bamboo flowers, it dies; usually a famine follows. How prepared, asks nitin sethi, is northeast India this time? Can they turn dis

Proposed pulp and paper plant revives debate on private access to degraded forestland

One of the sites ITC is looking at for its pulp and paper unit is in Mandla district, Madhya Pradesh.

People in Mendha Lekha village in Maharashtra fashion plates out of locally available leaves. avilash roul learns lessons in sustainable forest use from these villagers

The State/Union Territory Forest Produce (Ownership of Forest Dependent Community) Act, 2005, which seeks to endow rights to minor forest produce to the forest dwellers, including tribals.

The government is obsessed with economic growth. Employment is bound to follow, it claims. That’s a delusion. The swelling numbers of unemployed continue to clamour for

Not the path of economic growth, but the trail leading back to the village is the answer
