The traditional Indian strategy of resolving conflict by non-cooperation, the satyagraha, has been revived in the Chipko, or "Embrace the Tree", the movement to protect trees from commercial felling. This paper traces the development of the philosophy and the non-violent resistance activities from the beginnings of Chipko in the early 1970's in Garhwal to its present role throughout most of India. It is unique in that it is based not on the politics of the distribution of wealth but on that of sustainable ecological stability, and it is dominated by women.

Using data from villages in three districts of Western Rajasthan, this paper describes the decline in area and deterioration in quality of common property resources over three decades. The decline of common property resources is associated with institutional changes in the villages.

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has been an advocate of democratic decentralization from its very inception. Way back in 1989, the Centre published a report titled Towards green villages—a strategy for environmentally sound and participatory rural development in India. The report was based on the experiences of local communities in managing their natural resources. CSE had argued that there was a need for devolution of powers to local communities for the management of natural resources.

Soligas harvested forest produce. For them, it was a sustainable business. Then, irrationally, government moved to

A village in Madhya Pradesh prospers by reverting to its traditional means of livelihood

The gross tribal produce of Bastar is in excess of Rs 1,000 crore a year. Tribals, owners of the minor forest produce in terms of the Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas Act, 1996 receive around 20 per cent of the value of their produce. 80 per

The long awaited wildlife board meeting chalks out a strategy but grey areas remain
