Nutritious diet expert of Department for International Development (DFID), Steves Collin called on Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan here on Thursday.

A meeting at the Prime Minister's Office on Wednesday decided to increase the total expenditure on health to 2.5 per cent of the GDP from the current 1.4 per cent by the end of the coming 12th Plan period.

Chaired by Pulok Chatterji, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, the meeting decided to request the Planning Commission to allocate adequate resources to achieve the target and motivate and incentivise the States

The 1993 World Development Report (WDR) was subtitled ‘Investing in Health’ and advanced the argument that better health outcomes facilitate economic development. Even if one contests the direction of causation, correlation between better health outcomes and higher levels of economic development is not in doubt. In achieving better health outcomes, immunization is a cost-effective strategy. WHO estimates that immunization is globally capable of preventing between two and three million deaths a year.

THE 1993 World Development Report (WDR) was subtitled ‘Investing in Health’ and advanced the argument that better health outcomes facilitate economic development.1 Even if one contests the direction of causation, correlation between better health outcomes and higher levels of economic development is not in doubt.

The Union Health Ministry has mooted a proposal for monitoring construction activity and service delivery in the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) by independent accredited agencies.

After registering a zero-polio period in the last one year, India will now be aiming at eradicating measles, Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said here on Sunday.

"India still accounts for two-thirds of measles deaths across the world. We have to address all concerns associated with the measles now," Azad said at the two-day polio summit here.

Two prestigious projects started with much fanfare by the Punjab government under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) have failed to take off.

As many as 73,839 children below the age of five years have been administered with polio vaccine as part of the Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme in Pathanamthitta district on Sunday, according to

Chief minister Arjun Munda on Sunday laid the foundation stone of a Rs 6-crore rural drinking water project at Manpur village, Baharagora block in East Singhbhum, about 100 kilometres from Jamshedp

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday minced no words in accusing Mayawati government of misusing funds meant for the National Rural Health Mission.
