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This report addresses three major threats to the safety and security of cities, which are: urban crime and violence; insecurity of tenure and forced evictions; and natural and human-made

The global debate over who should take action to address climate change is extremely precarious, as diametrically opposed perceptions of climate justice threaten the prospects for any long-term agreement. Poor nations fear limits on their efforts to grow economically and meet the needs of their own people, while powerful industrial nations, including the United States, refuse to curtail their own excesses unless developing countries make similar sacrifices.

India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday declared that the 2006 northeast monsoon has drawn to a close. The start of the season was declared on October 19, and stood out, if at all, for the

A moderate earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 hit northern Japan on Thursday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, meteorologists said. The quake off Miyagi prefecture on Japan's northeast

Nanning, provincial capital of South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has developed a unique snake based earthquake detection

Nanning, provincal capital of South China'a Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, has developed a unique snake-based earthquake detection system. A bureau monitors nests of snakes at local farms via

An earthquake off Taiwan last night, measuring 6.7- 7.1 on the Richer scale, knocked out Internet links to India for 20-25 min and affected Reliance Communications 'FLAG and VSNL's SEA-ME-WE-3 under

Two years after the deadly tsunami waves devastated India's vast coastal regions, the country has finally put in place an indigenously developed system that will give warning about tsunami within 20

A quarter of the 50,000 homes built for victims of the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia's Aceh province are of questionable quality and many will have to be rebuilt, according to the leader of a team

Nearly all the 46,000 people made homeless by the tsunami in the Andaman islands will get permanent homes by the end of 2007, a senior official said, but activists on Monday dismissed this as
