Enable Block: 

The study aims at evaluating the degree of success in relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities undertaken after the supercyclone and ascertain the achievements and the progress from the perceptions of the affected people.

Calling for a paradigm shift in disaster management from a "relief-centric' and "post-event' response, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh promised a robust disaster management. "I do believe that the time

Afederal judge offered a glimmer of hope to the tens of thousands of people whose homes and businesses in New Orleans were flooded in Hurricane Katrina, ruling that insurance companies should pay for

Realising the failure of traditional government mechanism in responding to natural disasters, the Government now wants to involve the corporate sector for better delivery of safety and rehabilitation

Land sharks in connivance with officials have established residential colonies in flood zone of Hindon riverbed. After the administration had issued the notification for acquiring farmland is
