The government has decided to empower the Nuclear Safety Regulatory Authority (NSRA) — which is being formed to regulate safety from nuclear radiation — with wide-ranging powers to conduct investig

The U.S.

The decommissioning of a nuclear power plant is a largescale organizational and technical process comparable in time, financial and labour resources to the building of the unit.

A new contract to process 1,000 tons of nuclear waste from Germany has environmental activists concerned that the town of Oak Ridge, Tennessee could become a prime destination for the world's nucle

A new contract to process 1,000 tons of nuclear waste from Germany has environmental activists concerned that the town of Oak Ridge, Tennessee could become a prime destination for the world's nucle

A majority of the five-member Nuclear Regulatory Commission is signaling that it wants to move slowly on at least some new recommendations from its staff on how to reduce the chance of a Fukushima-type accident at an American reactor despite calls by its chairman for swift action.

Three commissioners are resisting a proposal by the chairman, Gregory B.

Radioactive waste from Europe's 143 nuclear reactors must in future be buried in secure bunkers, ministers from EU member states agreed on Tuesday.

The new rules force national nuclear authorities to draw up disposal plans by 2015, which will be vetted by Europe's energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger.

"After years of inaction, the EU for the very first time commits itself to a final dispos

In the first hours of March's accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, workers rushed to flood three damaged reactors with sea water to prevent a catastrophic meltdown. Three months later, water is still being pumped into the cores and has become the biggest obstacle to cleaning up the site.


Kozhikode: A safety audit of nuclear reactors and a law to make solar units mandatory for buildings which cost more than Rs.25 lakh were among the demands raised at an energy seminar organised at the Sports Council Hall here on Wednesday. The seminar was organised by the Society for Protection of Environment.

