Feed malnutrition with policy India has eight million malnourished children. Yet the country has no policy on what food should be given to treat malnutrition. Lack of policy has led international development agencies to adopt varied approaches like giving highly nutritious ready-to-use food. Such measures have often led to confusion and stand-offs with the government. unicef, for example,

To witness abject poverty, as it exists in subSaharan Ethiopia, one need not travel to that country.
Similar situation exists in India, as Madhya Pradesh (MP) has human development indicators which match the Ethiopian reality.

Organic farming doesn't provide more nutritional food and it may not even be more sustainable

World Bank will provide 40,000 US dollar as grant to each of the 20 selected civil society organisations of South Asian countries to address the issue of improving infant and child nutrition.

Should India Allow Intl Bodies To Operate Here If They Don

The findings from the FSA's organic food review have added little to our knowledge but left consumers short-changed on real benefits of organic food.

Distribution of

This paper argues that the disproportionate attention that policy solutions to the food price crisis give to rural dwellers is probably misplaced. Although in developing countries rural poverty is often deeper and more widespread than urban poverty, rural dwellers are often net producers of food, frequently of the very staples whose prices are rising.

This report traces the causes of poverty in Sri Lanka and provides policy recommendations, especially for areas of conflict. It argues that agriculture suffers from low productivity and competitiveness.
