This paper looks at how Nike's soccer ball suppliers (previous and current) in Sialkot (Pakistan) fare in relation to the company's code of ethics. While minimum required working conditions are implemented, the criteria for social and environmental compliance are not met with. The multinational's decision to withdraw orders from the previous supplier ostensibly due to allegations of child labour and unauthorised subcontracting hit large sections of the workforce, especially rural, low-skilled and female workers.


Most of us regard the Egyptian pyramids as architectural masterpieces. Justifiably so: the monuments are among the world's finest heritage. But then how many of us know the fate of the workers

there has been a sudden surge in ships arriving at Alang for dismantling since November 2006, says the Gujarat Maritime Board (gmb). The shipbreaking yard now faces more toxic hazards.

Supreme Court had set up a high-level committee of technical experts to examine the working conditions at the Alang shipbreaking yard, Asia's biggest shipbreaking yard. The committee, headed by

As Le Clemenceau bobs on the horizon, reactions in India get sharper, noisier. We ve discovered occupational safety. Asbestos is used in popular lingo. The workers at the shipbreaking yards of Alang have suddenly become people. Almost. For the media ha

The most influential process safety accident passed its 20th anniversary on Dec 3, 2004. At an international symposium to mark the event in Kanpur, India during the week of this anniversary, process safety practitioners from around the world assembled to discuss progress in resolving the Bhopal tragedy and in advancing the practice of process safety worldwide.

Dam tunnel collapse in Arunachal begs explanation

A major accident that hit a platform of Bombay High (bh), India's largest offshore oil facility, on July 26, 2005, has put a question mark on the safety measures taken by the country in

Brickmaking is a profit driven enterprise. At one level, it produces the basis of the built up world. But what of the hidden ecological and social costs of making a brick? vikas parashar delves into the many aspects of wha
