Rattled by soaring food prices and falling farm productivity, the FM has announced a slew of measures to boost the farm sector and vowed to deepen the process of attracting more private investment in agriculture and agro-processing.

He announced an increase in bank lending for farm sector as well as interest subsidy to farmers who pay short-term crop loans on time.

Only when farming is based upon "natural principles" can it be truly sustainable. Ecological farming is based on nurturing and nourishing the soils. Emphasizing soil conservation and building up organic matter are key to maintain these natural ecological balances in crop ecosystems. Mojo plantation is one such attempt.

Farming like any profession requires dedication, understanding, constant learning and application of new ideas and above all a desire to view it as a part of the greater ecosystem. Here is a case of a young farmer who has nurtured his farm with utmost care and sensitivity to the environment.

Critically Endangered Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) is highly dependent on traditional farming and traditional practices of grassland management. Habitat loss and habitat alterations are major threats identified for its decline and maintenance of its mosaic habitat is crucial for long term survival of the species.

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. True to the adage, the innovative farmers of Gudibande have taken challenges to seek a solution to redress their evergreen drought problem bogging their taluk. And they have become successful in it.

Gudibande taluk, of late, has earned the notorious tag of being permanently listed among the drought-prone areas of the State.

JAIPUR: Sajha Manch

The State Bio Technology department director Dr JMS Rana inaugurated a two-day training programme on organic farming at the Navdanya biodiversity conservation farm in Ramgarh on Tuesday.

Addressing the workshop participants, Rana said prosperity of farmers is the basis of public health while adding that farmers are true scientists.

This season

This new report by Greenpeace assesses the impact of government policies on soil health across five states of India and warns that indiscriminate chemical fertilizer usage, catalyzed by a lenient subsidy policy is posing a threat to country's soil health.
