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The Indian negotiators spoke up in time to oppose the convention on forests

Some of the points agreed to at Earth Summit II

The forest convention was the most controversial issue at the Summit. However, the G 77, a strident opposer, failed to act as a united force

Issues concerning the earth s future took a backseat as unseemly politics ruled the day at the just concluded Earth Summit II SUPRIYA AKERKAR reports from New York

Nothing more than a vote catcher, Andhra Pradesh s cheap rice scheme has resulted in an ecological disaster in its drought prone areas

The year 1995 saw a rise of 1.8 per cent in global energy consumption, the highest annual growth rate since 1989 and more than double the average rate of the past five years. The main boost came

Because it means too many things to as many people, joint forest management in India will remain elusive to all

The government s latest commission on water may end up churning out myopic, big dam centred policies

If producing cultural products, such as books, newspapers, movies or radios, reflects a nation's degree of progress, then the developing world trails far behind. And the gap has decreased only

The Platform for Action is an agenda for women’s empowerment. It aims at accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women and at removing all the obstacles to women’s active
