Public Private Partnership (PPP) solutions for Maharashtra's urban water supply sector are being developed under the Mainstreaming PPPs in India Initiative. This toolkit is expected to assist the relevant public entities in the state of Maharashtra for developing PPP-based projects in the water supply and sanitation sector.

The urban transportation toolkit was initially conceived by the Asian Development Bank in conjunction with the Government of Maharashtra. The initial approach followed to prepare the
toolkit included a review of documentation available on PPPs in urban transportation.

Drawing on evidence from the past morbidity and health surveys (1986-87 to 2004) and consumer expenditure surveys (1993-94 to 2004-05) of the National Sample Survey Organisation, this paper argues that public provisions of healthcare in India has dwindled to new lows.

This report brings together key reports from the investment world that demonstrate best practice on climate change,
identifying the risks and opportunities, assessing how companies are dealing with them, and translating their performance and intentions into future financial returns. The emphasis is on

A LOT of people who write on ecology do so with an unsaid assumption. That people in the past lived in sync with nature till industrialization and modernity disrupted this harmony. Some people

This paper provides policy makers and managers, facing tough energy policy challenges, with a wider perspective of how the same issues are being addressed by different IEA member countries. The topics included are: Government structures for co-ordinating energy and climate policies; the use of long-term energy forecasts and scenarios; and progress in the delivery of key energy security policies.

This paper reviews the institutional framework that governs the supply of water services, with a specific focus on developing countries. It first highlights the main mismatches that plague the water sector, namely those between the nature of resources, functions, jurisdiction and objectives of the different agents involved. It then goes on to address three main issues: the public vs.

Jharkhand has asked the Centre to rein in Public Sector Units (PSUs) from carrying out

Sanjay Jog

The public-private partnership model has emerged as the favoured model of project execution in India, especially in infrastructure, health and education. This article traces the theoretical underpinnings of PPP under a neoliberal, marketdriven and growth-oriented state. It describes the economic imperatives for public and private resource management and the case for PPP.
