The aim of this policy brief is to spread the word about forest and farm producer organizations and their increasing role in helping smallholders improve their economic and social well-being while managing their resources sustainably.
Wildlife Works Carbon LLC, a U.S.- based business selling carbon credits in the voluntary market generated by forest conservation, plans to expand fivefold the biodiversity-rich areas it protects i
This new World Bank report on the state and trends of carbon pricing shows that while international negotiations may be slow, countries and cities are moving on climate pricing.
The weekly digest of important reports, research, policy documents, regulations, studies, court cases, protests, conflicts, initiatives, photos, data, statistics, infographics, presentations on the India Environment Portal, 27 April - 03 May 2014.
India has unveiled a draft national policy to provide a roadmap for building comprehensive strategies for cutting carbon emissions from deforestation.
Officials said the national policy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) along with the strategies will lead to REDD+ readiness in the country and enable India to gain from international REDD+ mechanism for its pro conservation policies and efforts in future.
From climate change to ecosystem degradation – the solution to these problems could re-side in an economic valuation of nature and its services. But if the existential benefits that nature provides to humankind are expressed in terms of euros and dollars, can that really give nature any better protection?
Taking forward an agreed framework of the 2013 Warsaw climate conference, India has come out with a draft national policy on 'reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation' (popularl