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Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sainik Food Pvt. Ltd. Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Others dated 17/08/2021.

The matter related to illegal mining activities going on in water channels/submerged area of Narmada river in gram Chipaner, district Sehore, Madhya Pradesh. Heavy machines and suction pumps are being used causing salinity intrusion into the rivers, damaging riverine ecoystems and severely affecting the ecological equilibrium of the river.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Amandeep Vs State of Himachal Pradesh dated 30/07/2021.

Grievance in the application is against illegal mining at Som Bhadra river (Swan river) in district Una of Himachal Pradesh.

The NGT directed the Chief Secretary and D.G.P., Himachal Pradesh to hold their in-house brainstorming on the subject with all concerned departments/authorities and set their house in order to uphold the law instead of private interests of law violators, the order, July 30, 2021 said.

Writ Petition filed by Andhra Pradesh before the Supreme Court over sharing of Krishna river water with Telangana.

The petition stated that Telangana was refusing to follow the decisions taken under the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014 and was also responsible for violating Bachwat Award of May 31, 1976. In the case Srisailam Dam project, the reservoir’s quantity has seriously depleted on account of use of water therefrom for generation of power in Telangana and this fact has been established from the daily readings submitted by authorities of that Dam.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Harminder Singh & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 02/07/2021.

The matter is related to Omaxe Ltd and Omaxe Chandigarh Extension Developers Pvt. Ltd. setting up a residential complex project called ‘The Lake’ obstructing the natural flow of river Siswan by filling up and closing a part of it in village Bharoujian and diverting it to another place nearby in village Kansala, sub tehsil Majri, district SAS Nagar, Mohali.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Arti Sharma Vs State of Jammu & Kashmir & Others dated 30/06/2021.

More than 8,000 million metric tons of plastic have been made since the beginning of large-scale plastic production in the 1950s. As a consequence, plastic debris is present in all ecosystems, including remote locations such as mountain lakes and polar sea ice.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tanaji Balasaheb Gambhire Vs Union of India & Others dated 09/06/2021.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Kapil Dev Vs Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change dated 25/05/2021.

Grievance in the application was against proposed amendment to the Master Plan of Ludhiana for developing a Modern Industrial Park in the forest area and on the flood plains of river Sutlej, in violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Rohit Prajapati & Others Vs MoEF & CC & Others dated 25/05/2021. Grievance in the application, originally filed before the Pune Bench on April 7, 2016 was against the Vishwamitri Riverfront Development Project (VRDP) at Vadodra, Gujarat, in violation of environmental norms.

Factual status cum action taken report of Phakoliya granite cluster area, district Bhilwara. As directed by the National Green Tribunal, a joint team of officials from the District Revenue Department, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB), Bhilwara and Department of Mining & Geology, Bhilwara, jointly visited the Phakoliya granite cluster area on November 10, 2020.
