
Although Nitish Kumar

This paper examines the spatial pattern of poverty in India and tries to understand how multiple deprivation leads to reproduction of poverty, with a particular focus on forest-based economies in central-eastern India.

Examining panel data for more than 13,000 rural Indian households over the 12-year period 1993-94

The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, presented a report titled "Agroecology and the right to food"  to the 16th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on 8 March 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland.

This paper explores the relationship between migration, remoteness and chronic poverty in India. It addresses one of the key challenges for India, where growing levels of inequality and uneven growth have resulted in large sections of the population being excluded or adversely incorporated. Many of these people belong to remote rural areas and are chronically poor.

This cover story in Down To Earth online charts the growth trajectory of India’s microfinance institutions and consists of a special report on the microfinance institutions in Andhra Pradesh who grew rich by lending insured loans to the rural poor.

Close to two-thirds of the world's poorest people live in rural areas. Eradication of rural poverty depends on increased access to goods, services, and information, targets detailed in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. However, alleviating poverty is hindered by two interlinked phenomena: lack of access to improved energy services and worsening environmental shocks due to climate change. Mitigating climate change, increasing energy access, and alleviating rural poverty can all be complementary, their overlap defining an energy-poverty-climate nexus.

This is a comprehensive report on rural poverty, its global consequences and the prospects for eradicating it. It consists of updated estimats by IFAD regarding howmany rural poor people there are in the developing world, poverty rates in rural areas and the percentage of poor people residing in rural areas.

The Haryana Youth Congress will shortly launch an innovative programme

Two-day workshop has been organised at Bhopal from October 19 to discuss the procedure to make available home to the poor and homeless under Chief Minister Rural Housing Mission. This workshop will be held at the Academy of Administration.
