Russian president Putin?

Russia throws a lifeline to Kyoto Protocol, but at its own terms

Tornadoes form due to electricity produced by nanostructures

What looked like a boon has turned into a nightmare for the 130 farming families in the Caucasus village of Khaishi, Georgia. They feel cheated out of the us $330,000 that an oil company owed them

Could oil be the reason for the European Investment Bank (eib) giving a loan to Russia for a wastewater treatment plant? Pursuant to a decision taken by the European Council in Stockholm, the

Addressing a meeting of Russian and European Union (eu) business leaders early this month, President Vladimir Putin said that "we often unfortunately face excessively tough requirements, which are

With Russia blowing hot and cold on ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, the ninth conference of parties COP 9 to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC was reduced to a near non event. The meeting held in Milan, Italy, from December 1 12 and

The climate regime needs to get out of the rut it is in

Russia may not ratify it. And even if it does, it s not going to do so anytime soon. That was the message, loud and clear, from the Russian president Vladimir Putin and his aides at the recent World Climate Change Conference held in Moscow, Russia, recent

The earth is hotter than it has been in the past 2000 years and the largest ice shelf in the Artic has broken into two after having existed for 3000 years. But all that Russia does is procrastinate over endorsing the Kyoto Protocol
