The Kabartal wetland situated in the upper Indo-Gangetic flood plains in northern India is significant because of its hydrological and ecological services, and the socio-economic and cultural values that it represents. Despite being designated as a wildlife sanctuary, this wetland is under threat from anthropogenic pressures.

The decision by Jammu and Kashmir's Leh district to declare the Changthang region a highaltitude wildlife sanctuary has put Ladakh's Changpa nomads in a fix. The nomads have, for long, been using

the Supreme Court (sc) gave the green light to construct a road through a wildlife sanctuary near Uttarakhand's border with Nepal and China on March 16, 2007. This comes after the Uttarakhand

the Delhi High Court has finally taken a stand on the translocation of the substantial monkey population in the capital. It has directed the government to round up the monkeys in mammoth cages and

There appears to be no way to contain the simian menace. Monkeys continue to stray into densely populated areas; driving them out has become a challenging task. Mooting a solution, the Delhi High

Precedent for activities allowed inside protected areas >> Supreme Court (SC) permitted Power Grid Corporation of India to lay a transmission line in Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal. The order


IN Orissa, a battle rages between marine conservation and local fisherfolk. At the heart of this conflict is the ban on fishing in the vicinity of the Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary. The 1,435-sq

The idea of 'Biosphere Reserves’ was initiated by UNESCO in 1973-74 under its Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme.

there are rumours that Vedanta Aluminium Ltd has been permitted to mine bauxite in the Niyamgiri hills, Orissa, by the Union ministry of environment and forests (m o ef). The company, with
