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The issue of toilet space for 8.1 million slumdwellers in India's 4 major metros threatens to expand into a matter of social rights

A Delhi based agency has improved the standard of living of a Himachal Pradesh village by providing it simple devices at subsidised rates

The latest international meet on water nearly drowned in platitudes

Living conditions remain abysmally poor in India, with a big difference between urban and rural areas. Nearly three-quarters of urban households lived in pucca houses, compared to only about a

The citizens of Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh continue to put up with a filthy, malodorous town despite a landmark Supreme Court ruling 13 years ago, which held it mandatory for municipalities to provide sanitation facilities.

Despite its vast numbers of scientists and research institutes, Indian science has always fared poorly on the global front. Several reasons have been put forward for the dismal performance, but the only fact that emerges is that there can be no consensus

Israeli farmers resent fast food giant McDonald's intention to import the cheaper frozen French fries

AS MANY as 2,000 scientists from former East Germany, who found themselves jobless after the country's behemoth research system was pruned, are now being denied promised university positions, as the

Union environment minister Kamal Nath talks to Down To Earth about India's environment strategy and the attitude of Western nations towards environmental problems.

Kamal Nath is one of the few Indian ministers to have acquired an international image. He has traversed the globe to attend various environmental conferences and has also played host to several of his foreign counterparts. Nath argues the new found green
