Agro-scientists at West Bengal government's rice research station have developed four high-yielding rice varieties which will increase current levels of yield by an average of 30 per cent. While the

A programme initiated with much drum beating, the green revolution has not just backfired but even eroded traditional systems of farming. Farmers from Madhya Pradesh are trying hard to recover from its disastrous effects

Scientists and NGOs find common ground in ensuring that farmers possess the divers they can use and conserve

THE Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is promoting a Rs 3.3 crore project to develop new hybrids of vegetables, for increased production by small farmers. Initially, nine

Local plant seeds provide a clue to treating impure water

Indian markets may soon be flooded with high yielding hybrid seeds of mustard and rapeseed

A rice hybrid developed in India can help reap an extra Rs 2,500 per ha

The Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS) -- a farmer's organisation -- has taken the lead in proposing an alternative to the Union government's draft bill on protection of plant varieties, which is

The Union government claims it has found a way to protect the interests of Indian farmers in the ongoing Uruguay round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). For some time now, the

Opposition to multinationals in the agriculture sector in Karnataka may soon spread throughout India
