Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Sewage Treatment Capacity in Ganga Basin States, 25/04/2016.

Inspection Report of STPs in Agra with reference to Hon'ble NGT Court Order dated 09.12.2015 in the matter of O.A No.145 of 2015.

PUNE: Even as cities plan for water supply sourced from locations that are far, they forget about managing the waste - the excreta and sludge that is generated.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ratneshwar Prasad Singh Vs. Banka Municipality & Ors. dated 10/03/2016 regarding illegal construction of sewerage system, Banka Municipal Council.

Previous Order

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Sewage Treatment Plants, 08/03/2016. As per the report published by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in March, 2015, the sewage generation from urban areas in the country is estimated at around 62,000 million litres per day (mld), whereas the total sewage treatment capacity available is only 23,277 mld, or 37% of the sewage generation. The State-wise details of sewage generation from urban areas and corresponding treatment capacity available is at Annexure-I.

This report aims to highlight some of the successful financial management practices adopted by Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in India when implementing sewerage schemes.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Management of Sewage, 24/02/2016. The quantum of sewage generated from Class - I Cities and Class - II Towns is 38254.82 million litres per day (MLD) out of which only 11787.38 MLD (31%) is being treated and the remaining 26467.44 MLD is disposed into the water bodies without any treatment. The city wise details at Annexure-I. The various technologies being used in sewage treatment plants are Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR), Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR), Oxidation, Anaerobic Digesters etc.

As renewable energy sources goes, solar rays have historically hogged the limelight.

The quality of breeding sites is reflected through the pupal productivity and the life history traits of Aedes mosquitoes. Using nutrient reserves and pupal productivity of Aedes as indicators, the larval habitats including sewage drains were characterized to highlight the habitat expansion and vector management. The pupae and adults collected from the containers and sewage drains were characterized in terms of biomass and nutrient reserves and the data were subjected to three way factorial ANOVA.
