Participants of Hispanic/Latino origin across the United States aged 45 to 74 years were enrolled into the Echocardiographic Study of Latinos (ECHO-SOL) and underwent a comprehensive echocardiography examination to define left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD). Clinical HF was defined according to self-report, and those with cardiac dysfunction but without clinical HF were characterized as having subclinical or unrecognized cardiac dysfunction.


Images of disease and suffering should move smokers to kick the habit - at least, that's the thinking behind graphic warning labels used on cigarette packages in much of the world, and maybe someda

Report says existing excise and VAT rates are insufficient to increase the prices of tobacco products, making them easily affordable

While "vaping" has been seen as a healthier alternative to smoking, a new study has provided more evidence on the potential harmful effects of e-cigarettes.

The WHO has asked all countries, including India, to introduce age-classified ratings for films and other entertainment programmes with tobacco imagery to restrict the number of new adolescent smok

Early life environment is essential for lung growth and maximally attained lung function. Whether early life exposures impact on lung function decline in adulthood, an indicator of lung ageing, has scarcely been studied.

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MUMBAI: The Food and Drug Administration in probably its first serious attempt to implement the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) has penalized nearly 2500 people and establishments

More than half of the children in 10 out of 15 states are still anaemic shows National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) for 2015-16 released by the Union Health Ministry today said. It also showed that more than half of women were anaemic in eleven states .

E-cigarettes used mostly by adults could be popular among children if they are marketed with different flavours, says new research
