Enable Block: 

Anyone passing through Dadu Majra cannot miss the unbearable stench.

Reason: A garbage dumping site is located in the area and garbage collected from the entire city is brought here. And since it is uncovered, the stench that hits a passerby is unbearable. Heavy rains have further added to the misery as the foul smell increases manifold during rains.

The solid waste management plant set up in the area has a capacity of processing around 300 to 350 metric tonnes of garbage per day. However, it will take another three months for the plant to start functioning completely.

District Magistrate Mandeep K Bhandari in exercise of powers vested upon him under section 144 Cr. PC has ordered that no person/persons/party shall dump and throw any kind of Mulba/garbage/carcasses/construction refuse etc around Air force compound wall, Civil Airport wall, Panjthirthi to Sidhra bridge, circular road to DC office and Wazarat road.

Any person found guilty in the regard would be booked under law.


The Capital Development Authority (CDA) on the recommendations of Federal Ombudsman Javed Sadiq Malik has prepared Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for sanitation and solid waste management. The CDA board has approved the SOP developed by the Directorate of Sanitation, according to a press release issued on Tuesday. The SOP is aimed at improving sanitation and solid waste management by establishing a framework for an organised and effective operation on daily basis. The implementation of the ombudsman recommendations are intended to deliver public health benefits to citizens.

The chairman of the state pollution control board (PCB), Mr AN Basu today complained to the chief minister, Mr Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, about state government-run hospitals not following norms required for the discharge and disposal of medical wastes.

Speaking at a programme organised by the PCB to celebrate the World Environment Day, Mr Basu said: "We have set up common medical waste treatment facilities but I have to tell the chief minister that some of the state government hospitals are not adhering to these disposal norms.'

The Environment Ministry said that of 1,730 kilogrammes of garbage collected in Anuradhapura during the Poson season, the major components were plastic and polythene. It was the highest garbage collection even though fewer pilgrims participated, Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka said.

There were also 104 kilogrammes of polythene and plastic collected in the Polonnaruwa sacred city.


Hyderabad, July 21: Top companies such as Maytas Infra, Coromandal Fertilisers, Ramky Enviro Engineers, Delhi-based Jindal Water Infrastructure, and Bengaluru's Terra Fima Biotechnologies are vying to grab a project for segregation of garbage in Hyderabad. Several other firms from Noida, Navi Mumbai, Surat, New Delhi and Chennai are also in the reckoning.

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation is setting up the project to segregate garbage at source to keep the city environs free of toxic waste. As many as 22 companies from all over India have come forward to take up the project.

Nature knows better how to keep the water sources clean and nourishing. Our traditions, also could maintain their water sources for the past 10,000 years. Water quality problems and water scarcity- both are due to pollution of air, caused by increase in the use of fossil fuels. This produces rain with nitrates and acidity. This pollutes the surface water bodies and also the groundwater.

The increasing use of polythene bags are causing a serious threat to environment and creating hazards to public health in the capital city.

Shoppers are seen carrying commodities in polythene bags from markets despite a ban on it imposed by the government.

Lack of awareness among the mass on the demerits of using polythene bags and irregular application of laws are widely responsible for indiscriminate use of polythene bags in urban and rural markets, said environmental experts.

City's environment is now in dire peril due to massive use of polythene, they opined.
