Police confirm 30 dead in action against striking workers images of firing rekindle memories of apartheid past

The killing by police of more than 30 striking platinum miners in the bloodiest security operation since the end of white rule cut to the quick of South Africa’s psyche on Friday, with people and the media questioning its post-apartheid soul. Newspaper headlines screamed “Bloodbath”, “Killing Field” and “Mine Slaughter”, with graphic photographs of heavily armed white and black police officers walking casually past the bloodied corpses of black men lying crumpled in the dust.

While national carbon dioxide emissions are regularly published for most countries, data specific to individual sectors, companies, geographic regions, or facilities are more difficult to obtain – if available at all.

Conspicuous consumption from a growing middle class in Vietnam is driving the catastrophic poaching of rhino horns in South Africa, conservationists warned on Monday.

Text of the joint statement issued at the 11th BASIC ministerial meeting on climate change held at Johannesburg, South Africa from July 12-13, 2012. BASIC Ministers welcomed the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) and the adoption of the document The Future We Want, reaffirming the Rio Principles, in particular the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.

In an article that forms part of the PLoS Medicine series on Big Food, Corinna Hawkes and colleagues provide a perspective from South Africa on the rise of multinational and domestic food companies, and argue that government should act urgently through education about the health risks of unhealthy diets, regulation of Big Food, and support for healthy foods.

The 20-year commemoration of the historic Earth Summit produced nothing except more words. (Editorial)

The central African nation of Gabon will burn its government stockpiles of ivory on Wednesday against the backdrop of a surge in the killing of elephants and rhinos across the continent to meet sur

Earlier this year, Sunil Kadam, 38, a sugarcane farmer from Kolhapur, went to Europe, where he visited dairies and cheese processing units in Amsterdam, saw greenhouses being run on solar energy in

The Sugarcane Breeding Institute has developed transgenic sugarcane incorporating gene constructs, said its Director, Dr N. Vijayan Nair.

