Thousands of people fled their homes in panic as a fire at a chemical plant spewed out poisonous gas which spread over the Makassar community area near Cape Town. At least 100 people

An incro number of privately-man aged wildlife reserves are emerging in South Africa Among the bigger names are Shamwari in the eastern Cape region and the four wildlife reserves run by the

Local and tional pharmaceutipanies are making a for South Africa's nal heating systems. v in demand are the Vas and Nyangas, the iniam branches of healers P were once. regarded as cinoners of

Science must contribute substantially to the development of the society as a whole in the country: this is the new policy being promoted by the government's Foundation for Research Development

Keeping the sharks off the swimmers along the Natal Coast in South Africa is the business of the Natal Shark Board (NSB). A combination of a museum and a research lab- oratory, the NSB, situated on

After overcoming the trials and tribulations engendered by apart heid, South Africa has turned its attention to an issue of equality that transcends race: empowering women to play an active role

Phillip Tobias, head of the anthropology department at Witwatersrand University, with his discovery: primate bones dating from 3.5 million years ago, marking a crucial transition stage

They may have rid themselves of the shackles of the oppressive apartheid regime, but freedom apparently still manages to elude the Blacks of South Africa. They have, in fact, been invaded and

The South African government is minting money - by selling ostriches. It is now reported to be the biggest ostrich goods producer in the world; and business is booming. The country

SOUTH Africa can break new ground in the world of science if only its scientists and researchers show the government the right way. In an impassioned speech made at a conference held at the
