www.pastoralists.orgChange in land-use patterns, increasing competition for land and other resources, shifting global markets, climate change

A disease that afflicted northwestern Kenya last year has killed about 100,000 goats and sheep in Turkana district of the country. The disease, peste des petits ruminants, also called goat

Despite many studies looking at levels of indoor air pollution, successful initiatives to reduce the burden of ill health are few. One reason may be some commonly held beliefs, especially among those not directly involved in household energy, on some key issues in this field. ITDG has been collaborating on smoke alleviation with the University of Liverpool and other groups internationally for several years. This discussion is based on approaches adopted through two on-going projects funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in Kenya, Nepal and Sudan. March 2005

• An outbreak of Ebola virus in southern Sudan infected at least 15 people, killing four of them. The World Health Organization has traced the occurrence to the town of Yambio near the Kenyan

Ways to prevent skin ulcers

Food shortages and advanced malnutrition have taken their toll in Sudan, the African nation where famine is nothing new. International aid agencies have estimated that so far 1.5 million people have

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The Nuer tribals of Sudan settled their disputes in more organised and effective a manner than modern societies

Conservationists have discovered massive herds of animals still existing in the war-ravaged southern Sudan. Aerial surveys done by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the government of South Sudan

The sustainability of the world's 3rd largest game park - the Dinder Park in Sudan - is being seriously doubted now. Home to over 150 varieties of birds and a large wildlife population,
