The water quality management is one of the many environmental problems in India. Increasing demand of water for human consumption, irrigation and growing industrial activities has impacted the water quality of rivers due to declining flows in rivers and depleting water levels of subsurface resources.

This report of the Standing Committee on Water Resources deals with the action taken by the Government on the recommendations / observations contained in their Sixteenth Report (15th Lok Sabha) on 'Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies' which was presented to Lok Sabha on 27 November 2012.

Statistics referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 157 due for reply on 5.12.2013 regarding "Proposals for repair of water bodies".

Statistics referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 157 due for reply on 5.12.2013 regarding "Proposals for repair of water bodies".

The scheme on Repair, Renovation & Restoration (RRR) of water bodies for continuation during XII Plan has been approved by Government of India on 20.9.2013 and accordingly guidelines have been issued in October, 2013. It is envisaged to take up RRR works in 10,000 water bodies with a Central Assistance of Rs. 6235 crore.

The National Wetland Atlas 2011 has used confusing and inappropriate classifications. Many man-made wetlands have been treated as naturally occurring, tanks have become lakes, and a large number of ponds have become nondescript entities. The number of inland wetlands estimated is far less when compared to other known sources of data, creating reasonable doubt on the reliability of the exercise. This article emphasises the need for releasing the complete geo-coordinates and areal data sets, and undertaking accurate assessments of the numbers and water spreads of tanks and ponds.

This new report by CPCB with water quality data from 2500 water quality monitoring stations, located on important rivers & lakes indicates that organic and bacterial pollution continue to be the major water quality issues due to discharge of untreated domestic wastewater from urban centres.

The Arkavathy sub-basin, which is part of the Cauvery basin, is a highly stressed, rapidly urbanising watershed on the outskirts of the city of Bengaluru. This situation analysis document summarises the current state of knowledge on water management in the Arkavathy sub-basin and identifies critical knowledge gaps.

Farm tank (bodi) constitutes a small water reservoir constructed by using available natural materials to store rainwater for irrigation purposes during post monsoon season. It receives water from rainfall and runoff from the surrounding catchment area during monsoon period and this serves for irrigation purposes of paddy fields.

The transformation of human settlements over time can affect the relationship between communities and commons when, for example, social geographies change from rural to urban, or from traditional systems of management to modern bureaucratic systems. Communities that were dependent on particular commons could become less dependent, or abandon those commons. New communities of interest might emerge. Examining the transformation of a lake in Bangalore, this paper argues that in the community struggle towards creating and claiming commons, claiming the sphere of planning is fundamental.
