Gated Community Worried About Radiation-Emitting Installation That's Cropped Up In Their Vicinity

6,650 And Counting, Masts Throw DoT Guidelines To Winds

JIUQUAN - China successfully launched two satellites via one rocket at 8:15 a.m. Thursday Beijing Time (0015 GMT) at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gobi desert.

No Coercive Action For Now, Accept Applications For New Towers'

Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring cells are part of the vigilance and monitoring wing of the DoT

Citizen groups, which have been advocating for safer cellphone tower norms in the city, have written to BMC’s chief engineer in charge of development plan, urging him to initiate immediate action t

There is a rapidly rising energy demand from literally billions of devices that remain “on” but may be used for only a few minutes or hours per day. Currently, the estimate for global electricity wasted in this way by network‑enabled devices is 400 terawatt hours (TWh) per year.

This working paper aims to help data center users and operators develop practical strategies for sourcing low-carbon power and to improve shared understanding about the challenges and opportunities with low-carbon power
sourcing that apply to data centers in many different situations.

Here’s some good news for those concerned about radiations from telecom towers.
