the only tiger safari park in north India, set up in Ludhiana in 1993 is facing paucity of funds. Officials are awaiting a grant of Rs 10 lakhs to meet expenses. "We are being able to provide

How does a civilisation relate to the environment? To find out, study its attitude towards large carnivores. Europeans have tried to dominate nature. In the process, they have exterminated several large carnivores like the wolf. But communities in India

the century's last census of the Indian tiger has begun, beginning with the Corbett Tiger Reserve. Armed with

Everyone knows of the tiger s endangered status, but the government seems unwilling to face the reality. So far, it has tried to resolve the issue through conferences and meetings, but there has been no concrete action

palamu Tiger Reserve in the Daltanganj district of Bihar has lately become haven for smugglers trading in precious teak ( sagwan ) trees. On an average, trees worth Rs 30 lakh are felled

How do you destroy a forest? Cover it under Project Tiger and alienate the local people. An example from Bihar

Six new tiger reserves will be included in Project Tiger

Frequent sightings of the rare black tiger in the Simlipal Tiger Reserve in Orissa has led to research on colour variations

manas Tiger Reserve in western

There has recently been an upsurge of speculation about the future of the Indian tiger. The number of tigers in Indian reserves increased by 39 between 1989 and 1993. But this includes tigers in
