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The Calcutta tramcar system, perhaps the only eco friendly feature in the city's ruined landscape, is heading towards extinction

Impoverished tribals living in the shadow of the Sahyadri hills show how degraded land can be revived by simply working unitedly

Junked aeroplane tyres are being used on camel carts in Rajasthan, making life easier for both the villagers and the animals

With reference to Chandigarh Administration’s Home Department Notification Bearing No.

The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is an Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to motor vehicles.

04 Nov 2015

The developing countries must take the lead just as they have done in the transformation to sustainable development


Mukul Sanwal[1]

30 Jul 2015

Technical examination and periodic assessmentswith respect to “fairness” and “ambition” are at the heart of the climate regime and involve important trade-offs; even in the Convention, negotiated twenty four years ago, in 1992, assessment and review (Article 10) was the very last item to be agreed.


30 Apr 2015

Moving sustainability from ideas to reality and regaining the leadership of developing countries




15 Apr 2014

Small changes in urban human behavior and increased energy efficiency will have a positive impact on our natural resources.


Mukul Sanwal[1]

