IT IS time to take back the night for wildlife. That was the rallying call from a landmark session on light pollution at the Society for Conservation Biology on 4 July in Edmonton, Canada. The disruptive effects on animals of our penchant for bright lights has rarely impinged on public consciousness.

Due to the uncontrolled human activities along the sandy beaches of St Martin's Island, the yearly arrival of turtles on the island for laying eggs has reduced significantly.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are the third most significant biodiversity hotspot in India. With a coastline of 1962 kilometres and many beaches straddling small isolated islands, the region provides an ideal nesting habitat for primarily four species o

The hapless Olive Ridley turtles are in turmoil again. Environmentalists have expressed concern over the acti

Clear policies are needed on treatment of animals to avoid polarisation of views

Developing countries also fear the huge costs associated with greener technologies, which will be unbearable by their domestic industries. It could make their goods uncompetitive in western markets.

However, the Doha declaration does not take a decision on whether countries with insufficient or no manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector will be allowed to import generic drugs to

The European Union buckles under the pressure of the developing countries to reduce agricultural subsidies

Pressures on wto from the environmental lobbies of the North have grown and the organisation has more or less caved in completely

Many leatherback turtles recently died while nesting in Guiana. While patrolling, a World Wide Fund for Nature (wwf) team found 12 entangled leather
