The environment minister, Greg Hunt, has set out his vision to reverse the precipitous decline in the number of Australian species, pledging to end the loss of native mammal species by 2020.

In the summer of 2010-2011 Western Australia experienced an unprecedented heatwave — but not on land.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tiger Protection Group V/s. UOI & Ors. dated 09/10/2014 regarding illegal sand mining going on
especially in State of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. It is also mentioned that by virtue of large scale mining activities in these States, the two species of Gharial and red crowned turtle are likely to become extinct and that will be against the environmental concept as well as the concept of biodiversity.

The global illegal animal trade is taking its toll on vulnerable species, among them a small and distinctive reptile you might have seen featured in news stories for being smuggled aboard airplanes

Hawai'i's sea turtles are afflicted with chronic and often lethal tumors caused by consuming non-native algae, "superweeds," along coastlines where nutrient pollution is unchecked.

Ecological light pollution comprises direct glare, chronically increased illumination and temporary, unexpected fluctuations in lighting. The sources of ecological light pollution are very various and found in nearly every ecosystem in the form of sky glow, illuminated buildings and towers, streetlights, fishing boats, security lights, lights on vehicles, flares on offshore oil platforms, and even lights on undersea research vessels. In this paper we discuss different types of light pollution and impacts of light pollution.

The disease behind the turtle tumors is called Fibropapillomatosis, and is thought to be prevalent in areas with high levels of nitrogen runoff.

KARACHI: Illegal international trade of the black spotted turtle has escalated rapidly over the past two years, says a recently published report.

LAHORE: Though turtles are resilient specie and they are considered living fossils for their adaptability to their environment, they are facing imminent threat to their survival in Pakistan because

It was after the sixth turtle that Ian Gowrie-Smith burned down the fishermen’s huts. He couldn’t help himself, he said later. The big green sea turtle was dead.
