After evidence that India is lagging behind on the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of reducing Infant Mortality Rate by 2015, it now turns out that it is faltering on the child survival MDG as well.

The first-ever report tracking global progress against pneumonia, the leading killer of children under five years of age, finds that India is witnessing the highest number of pneumonia-related chi


Only 31 per cent of rural Indian households and schools are equipped with toilets, a WHO/Unicef survey has revealed. This is much lower than the government-compiled figure of 67 per cent.

Despite a national programme to control anaemia since the seventies, there has been negligible progress
Indicus Analytics / October 7, 2010, 0:35 IST

Anaemia is one of India

A recent report by international health agencies says low and middle-income countries have made

Tea garden workers and ex-worker communities are set to witness a

The more educated the mother, the more likely she is to vaccinate her child against a range of diseases, a government survey shows
Indicus Analytics / September 23, 2010, 0:02 IST

Universal child immunisation is one of the targets under the Millennium Development Goal programme to reduce child mortality; India is quite far from achieving this goal.

Nepal is making progress in reducing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)

Initiation of breast feeding in the first hour of delivery is not happening.

KOCHI: Faulty feeding habits and low levels of exclusive breast feeding for children up to six months have resulted in increasing malnutrition in children below three years.

Speaking to press persons during the first State conference of the Indian Public Health Association on Saturday, Satish Kumar, Chief of the Fie

Country Making
